JSON Formatter: Format, Validate, Edit & Beautify Online

Our JSON Formatter simplifies the process of formatting JSON files and text into proper JSON format, allowing users to easily organize their JSON data, whether they are new to JSON or experienced, ensuring that their JSON files conform to the required structure without any difficulty.

{ "name": "John", "age": 30, "city": "New York" }

json formatter

What are this JSON Formatter key features?

Here is a list of our JSON Formatter key features:

  1. Online JSON Formatting: Format JSON data online without the need for additional tools.
  2. JSON Visualization: Visually explore JSON data for better understanding.
  3. Browser Extension Integration: Effortlessly integrate JSON formatting into web browsers.
  4. Beautification of JSON: Organize JSON data for improved readability.
  5. Online JSON Validation: Validate complex JSON files online.
  6. Conversion Between Formats: Convert JSON data into various formats such as text or tables.
  7. No sign-up required, no usage limits, and no file length restrictions.

Understanding JSON

What is JSON format?

JSON format (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format that is both human-readable and easy for machines to parse and generate.

JSON structures data in key-value pairs, which facilitates data transmission between servers and web applications.

This makes it widely used in web development for data exchange.

What is the proper JSON format?

Here are 7 rules to make a proper JSON format or the JSON form:

  1. Comprises key-value pairs within curly braces.
  2. Keys and values separated by a colon.
  3. Multiple pairs separated by commas.
  4. Strings enclosed in double quotes.
  5. Numbers not enclosed.
  6. Boolean values represented by true/false.
  7. Arrays enclosed in square brackets, holding comma-separated values.

json formatter example

Note: If JSON contains only an array, it's represented without enclosing curly braces

Can JSON have new lines?

Yes, JSON can have new lines for readability, but they are ignored during parsing.

json formatter new lines

Can JSON have line breaks?

Yes, JSON can have line breaks for readability, although they're not essential for its functionality. Line breaks in JSON are ignored when parsing JSON data.

json formatter line breaks

Formatting JSON

How do I format JSON?

Here are three ways two format JSON:

How to make JSON file readable?

To ensure JSON files are easy to read, it's important to use a JSON Formatter.

JSON files are usually compressed to make them smaller, which can make them hard to understand.

Using a JSON Formatter organizes the file in a way that's easy for humans to read.

This formatting includes clear spacing and breaks between key-value pairs and arrays, which helps us understand the data better.

So, for beginners especially, using a JSON Formatter makes it much simpler to work with JSON files.

compressed json file

How to format a JSON file in Notepad ++?

Step 1: Open your JSON file with Notepad++:

compressed json file

Step 2: Go to Plugins in the main menu tab and click "Plugins Admin"

notepad plugin admin

Step 3: In the list, search for JSTool, check it, then click "install"

notepad++ search for jstool check it and click install

Step 4: Go to "Plugins" again, you will find a new tab called JsonTools. Hover over it, and a menu will pop up. Find the options: Pretty-print current JSON file or Compress current JSON File.

notepad++ format json file

How to Optimize JSON Size?

To reduce the size of JSON data, you need to follow standard best practices during JSON creation and utilize compression techniques during transmission.

Here's a comprehensive list of 7 good practices to optimize your JSON size:

  1. Minify JSON by removing unnecessary whitespace and comments.
  2. Use shorter key names to reduce overall size.
  3. Replace repeated values with references to reduce redundancy.
  4. Utilize arrays instead of objects when appropriate to save space.
  5. Consider using data compression techniques like gzip for transmission.
  6. Exclude unnecessary data fields or properties.
  7. Consider using binary formats like BSON or MessagePack for more efficient serialization.

Creating and Editing JSON Files

How do I write a JSON file format?

To write a JSON file format, it's important to follow some best practices to make sure they're clear, efficient, and easy to maintain. Here are eleven essential steps to guide you:

  1. Define Structure: Clearly outline the structure of your JSON data, including key names and nested objects or arrays.
  2. Use Descriptive Keys: Employ descriptive and meaningful key names to enhance readability and understanding.
  3. Keep it Consistent: Maintain consistency in formatting throughout the JSON file for better organization and clarity.
  4. Avoid Redundancy: Eliminate redundant data to reduce the overall size of the JSON file.
  5. Indentation: Use indentation to visually represent the hierarchy of nested objects and arrays, enhancing readability.
  6. Validate with a JSON Linter: Validate your JSON file using a JSON linter to ensure it conforms to the JSON syntax rules.
  7. Minimize Whitespace: Minimize unnecessary whitespace to reduce the size of the JSON file, improving efficiency.
  8. Handle Errors: Implement error handling mechanisms to deal with potential issues during JSON file processing or parsing.
  9. Utilize JSON Formatter: Use a JSON formatter to automatically format your JSON data according to standard conventions, enhancing consistency.
  10. Version Control: Employ version control systems like Git to track changes and manage revisions of your JSON files effectively.
  11. Document Structure: Document the structure of your JSON file either within the file itself or in accompanying documentation for future reference and understanding.

How to create a JSON file from Excel?

To create a JSON file from Excel, start by saving your Excel file as a CSV format then use a CSV to JSON converter tool, which can be found online or implemented using Python code.

How to edit a JSON file?

Users have the option to upload the JSON file directly or paste its content into an online JSON formatter tool.

Additionally, they can utilize code editors like VS Code or Notepad++ either online or as standalone applications.

For those comfortable with programming, Python offers libraries and code snippets for editing JSON files programmatically, providing another convenient approach.

How to use a JSON file?

Online, users can access it via web tools for viewing, editing, and interacting with structured data conveniently.

Python offers efficient ways to handle JSON files through libraries like json, enabling reading, writing, and parsing operations.

With JSON files, whether online or in Python, users can store and exchange structured data seamlessly, facilitating communication and data management across different applications and platforms.

Working with JSON Data

How to open JSON files?

One method involves quickly viewing them by uploading to the online JSON formatter.

Another method is using code editors like Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code.

On Windows or Mac, users can right-click the JSON file, select "Open With," and choose their preferred code editor.

These approaches offer flexibility and ease in accessing and manipulating JSON data for various purposes.

How to read a JSON in Python?

To read JSON files in Python, you can use the json module. Here's a simple example:

import json
with open('example.json', 'r') as file:
data = json.load(file)

How to read a JSON in Javascript?

Reading JSON in JavaScript can be achieved using the 'fs' module to get its content in text format. It is possible to parse it after that to be able to manipulate it.

Below is a simple code snippet demonstrating how to read a JSON file:

const fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('data.json', 'utf8', (err, data) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Error reading file:', err);
const jsonData = JSON.parse(data);

How to read large JSON data?

To read large JSON data effectively, use streaming methods to process the data in smaller portions instead of loading it all into memory at once.

Python libraries such as ijson and json-streamer are handy for this purpose.

Similarly, languages like JavaScript offer built-in functions that enable streaming JSON data, enhancing performance and reducing memory consumption during the reading process.

How to read JSON online?

Users have two options: they can either upload the JSON file to a JSON formatter tool or directly copy and paste the JSON content.

Additionally, the JSON Formatter features a JSON debugger and can perform tasks such as compression or beautification of the JSON.

How to access JSON server?

Below is a step-by-step guide to setting up and accessing a JSON Server:

  1. Ensure Node.js is installed on your system.
  2. Navigate to your terminal and globally install JSON Server by running the command: npm install -g json-server.
  3. In your terminal, navigate to the directory containing your JSON data file.
  4. Start the JSON Server by running: json-server --watch db.json. This will launch the server on "http://localhost:3000" by default.
  5. Open your web browser and visit "http://localhost:3000".
  6. Interact with the JSON data served by the JSON Server using HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

How to view JSON responses?

A simple way is to enter the URL in the browser and click "Enter", it sends a request to the server, and if the server replies with JSON content, Chrome automatically formats and displays it in the browser's body section for easy reading.

browser json formatter

How to extract JSON data online?

JsonFormatter.app simplifies the extraction of JSON data online by offering a convenient JSON converter to text format, with its user-friendly interface making navigation easy, ideal for beginners.

How to read JSON object?

To read JSON object use JavaScript's JSON.parse() method to transform JSON strings into JavaScript objects, allowing access to data properties.

Just supply the JSON string as an argument, and it will deliver the corresponding JavaScript object, simplifying data handling and retrieval.

How do you convert JSON Object to string?

Converting a JSON object to a string is easily done using the JavaScript method JSON.stringify() as this method takes the JSON object as input and returns its string representation.

It's a simple and effective way to prepare data for transmission or storage, commonly used in web development for handling structured data.

How to convert JSON into table format?

The first option is to use our online JSON to table converter, and the second option is to use coding.

Various libraries are available to help convert JSON into a table format. For instance, in Python, you can use pandas, while in JavaScript, jq is a suitable option, and jsonlite works well in R. These libraries provide functions to parse JSON data and generate organized tables, making data processing easier. Users can select the library that aligns with their programming language and needs.

Can Excel open JSON?

Yes, Excel can open JSON files; you first need to select "Open" from the menu, then navigate to the file path select "All Files" in the file type dropdown menu to display the JSON file and choose the JSON file, Excel will attempt to parse the JSON data giving you formatting options such as conditional formatting or sorting functionalities to organize the data effectively.

excel open json

json opened in excel

Performance and Efficiency

Why using JSON?

Here are 5 reasons why JSON is one of the most widely used data interchange formats on the web today:

Are JSON files efficient?

Yes, JSON files are efficient because they are lightweight, take up minimal storage space, transmit quickly over networks, and have a simple structure, making them ideal for storing and exchanging data in various software applications, including web development and data interchange scenarios.

How to improve JSON performance?

To enhance JSON performance, optimize data structure by minimizing nesting, reduce redundancy by using references, employ compression techniques for network transmission, cache frequently accessed data, and consider using binary formats for large datasets, all contributing to faster processing and improved efficiency in handling JSON data.

How to optimize JSON size?

To optimize JSON size, minimize unnecessary whitespace, use shorter key names, employ data compression techniques like gzip or deflate, consider using binary formats like MessagePack or BSON for more compact representation, and eliminate redundant data to reduce overall file size efficiently.

Can JSON handle large data?

Yes, JSON can effectively manage large datasets by utilizing techniques such as streaming, chunking, or pagination to process and transmit data without overwhelming system resources, while also benefiting from optimizations in structure and the application of compression methods to enhance its capacity for handling substantial amounts of data efficiently.

How big of a JSON file is too big?

JSON files exceeding hundreds of megabytes may strain resources, potentially resulting in slow loading times or system crashes, prompting the consideration of breaking down large files or exploring alternative data storage approaches, given the dependence on factors such as available memory and processing capabilities to determine acceptable size limits.

What is the optimal size of JSON file?

The ideal size varies based on specific requirements and constraints of the project, with smaller JSON files typically preferred for faster loading times and reduced bandwidth usage in web applications, while larger files might be acceptable or even necessary for storing extensive data sets or maintaining compatibility with certain systems or platforms.

How to calculate the size of JSON?

To calculate the size of JSON, utilize our JSON size calculator, which sums the characters of all strings, multiplies the number of numeric values by their byte size, counts the keys, and includes the structure's overhead. Remember to consider whitespace and encoding for accurate measurements.

How to check data is in JSON format?

Verifying whether data conforms to JSON format entails ensuring compliance with JSON syntax rules, and employing tools like the JSON Formatter can automate this process, highlighting any errors within the data and providing insights on the specific lines where issues occur, thus facilitating accurate interpretation and effective troubleshooting.

Comparison with Other Formats

Is JSON replacing XML?

JSON is gradually becoming more popular than XML in various domains owing to its simplicity, flexibility, and lightweight syntax, although XML retains its significance particularly in document markup, yet JSON's ease of use has made it the preferred option for data interchange in modern software applications, web development, and APIs.

Is XML better than JSON?

XML and JSON serve different purposes; XML is better suited for document markup and complex data structures, while JSON is simpler, more lightweight, and widely used in web development.

JSON's readability and ease of integration make it preferred for transmitting data over networks and interacting with web APIs.

Which is faster JSON or YAML?

JSON typically outperforms YAML in terms of speed due to its simpler syntax and easier parsing, as YAML's additional features such as comments and support for complex data structures can lead to slower processing times, especially in larger datasets or high-performance computing environments, in contrast to JSON.

What is faster than JSON?

For faster data processing, binary formats like Protocol Buffers and MessagePack outperform JSON due to their compact size and efficient serialization.

They minimize data overhead and offer quicker parsing, making them suitable choices for high-performance applications requiring rapid data transmission and processing.

Which is better HTML or JSON?

Deciding between HTML and JSON depends on what you're doing: HTML is great for making web pages look good, while JSON is good for sending and organizing data between web servers and browsers.

Is JSON or CSV faster?

JSON and CSV serve different purposes; JSON's nested structure suits complex data, while CSV is efficient for tabular data.

JSON might be slower due to its hierarchy, whereas CSV tends to process flat data sets faster.

The choice depends on data complexity and processing requirements.

Advanced Concepts

What is JSON parsing?

JSON parsing is the conversion of JSON data into a format usable within programming languages, involving analysis of its structure and extraction of relevant information for manipulation within the program.

Why is Protobuf so fast?

Protobuf is exceptionally fast primarily because of its binary format, which significantly reduces data size and boosts parsing efficiency, alongside its schema definition that eliminates the need for metadata in each message, and its language-specific code generation, all contributing to swift data serialization and deserialization processes.

How to send JSON data to Express?

To send JSON data to Express, you can create a route handler within your Express application where you utilize Express's send() method to transmit the JSON data as an argument, then configure appropriate HTTP methods like POST or PUT from client-side applications to the server, ensuring proper setup of routes and middleware to effectively manage and process JSON data within the Express framework.

What is JSON API?

JSON API, in essence, serves as a standardized protocol designed to facilitate the construction of web APIs, wherein JSON acts as the primary data format for communication between clients and servers, establishing clear guidelines for both requesting and receiving data in JSON format, thereby streamlining the integration process between various applications and enabling efficient data exchange across the web.

How does Power Query work?

Power Query works by connecting to various data sources, such as databases or files, extracting data according to specified criteria, transforming it through a user-friendly interface with functions like filtering or merging, and then loading the refined data into Excel or Power BI for analysis and visualization.

Database and Storage

What is JSON database?

A JSON database is a NoSQL database that stores data in JSON format to offer flexibility and scalability in web development and applications for handling structured data efficiently.

What is the best JSON database?

MongoDB is one of the best JSON databases for the reasons below:

  1. Flexible document-based model
  2. Seamless scalability across distributed systems
  3. Robust query language for complex operations
  4. Extensive developer community and ecosystem support

Can I use JSON as a database?

Yes, you can use JSON to store and organize data like a database, but it's not as powerful as traditional databases because it doesn't have features like complex searches or ensuring data integrity, making it better suited for basic data storage or simpler setups.

Where is the best place to store JSON files?

The best place to store JSON files is either on your local disk or in cloud storage services like Dropbox or Google Drive, depending on the size of your json files and the accessibility you are planning for.

Storing JSON files locally provides quick access and full control over your data, but it may lack accessibility from multiple devices and could be prone to loss if your device fails. On the other hand, cloud storage offers convenience, enabling easy sharing and access from anywhere with internet connectivity, but it may raise concerns about data security and privacy.

Language and Processing

What is the best language to process JSON?

JavaScript is the best language for processing JSON because of its built-in support for handling JSON data structures, its effortless integration with JSON, and its abundance of libraries and frameworks designed specifically for working with JSON, making it the preferred choice for various web development tasks.

What is the best JSON alternative?

The best alternative to JSON is YAML, which offers a more human-readable syntax with support for complex data structures, comments, and easier configuration files, making it preferred for certain applications like configuration management, although JSON remains widely used and suitable for many data interchange tasks.

How to write code in JSON file?

In JSON files, code can be written manually by defining key-value pairs within curly braces, or through programming languages like JavaScript.

Various tools and libraries are available to generate JSON data programmatically, enhancing efficiency and ensuring adherence to proper JSON syntax.

Check also:

  • JSON Formatter Download